How to Transition from Nerd to Muscle Man

How to Transition from Nerd to Muscle Man

When referring to nerds and muscle men I am generalizing. The obvious difference between a nerd and a muscle man is the amount of muscle the person has

Muscle men are muscular. They are strong and confident. Nerds have very little muscle and don't take very good care of their body. They are weak and shy. It is easy to see the difference. I was a nerd. Now I am a muscle man.

Nerds typically like science, science fiction, fantasy and computers. They like thinking and interacting with the world virtually using technology. They also like to be inside in a small place they are comfortable with and prefer theory over practice. Muscle men like exercising and working out to build muscle.

They also like get out and use their muscles to accomplish things in the real world. Most muscle men like sports, hanging out with a lot of people and games that are not virtual. They spend less time thinking and more time doing things.

Muscle men find reasons to use their muscles. An exercise made my muscles hurt. I did it again and again so my body could adapt. I was terrible at an exercise so did it again and again so I could improve. An exercise started to become easy so I found ways to make it more difficult. Nerds make up excuses not to use their muscles.

Nerds and muscle do different things so they have very different bodies.


Muscle does not just happen. People that are strong and muscular are strong and muscular because they exercised a lot. To exercise enough to change your body it needs to become a habit. Something that you do so often that it just becomes a normal everyday activity like watching TV. It needs to be part of your lifestyle. Nerds spend a lot of time typing, pressing buttons and sitting in front of the TV. Muscle men spend a lot of time doing things that require strength, endurance, speed and balance. If a nerd wants to build muscle they need to spend less time doing nerd activities and more time doing muscle man activities.


When playing video games try to spend at least half the time playing motion games. Not the ones that are mostly button pressing. I am referring to the ones that require you to be active like the sports games. The Wii sports games I have provide me with entertainment and exercise. Move as much as possible instead of as little as possible. Playing video games takes time away from other things. So you should set time limits.

Muscle men and nerds watch a lot of TV. However muscle men don't just sit there doing next to nothing for hours. They use the TV as a tool. You can workout and watch your favorite shows at the same time.

Another option is to workout before turning the TV on. Stay off the couch or chair unless you resting your body. If you spent most of the day sitting in front of a computer then you should exercise during your relaxation time.

A lot of people think reading books as a form of entertainment is good. I am not one of them. It is good in moderation but while you are reading you are not exercising and you are not doing things in the real world. Card games don't provide you with exercise either.

If you want to become muscular you need to be physically active. Make the entertainment more active or replace it with something else. I play video games but I limit myself to 8 hours a week. At least half of that time is spent playing motion games on the Wii. During the week I only play the sports games. Most days I exercise before I turn on the TV. I do exercises I can't do while watching TV like push ups and planks.

While I watch TV I do exercises like running, jumping rope, lifting weights and shadow boxing. Sometimes I play cards and I read but I mostly stick with active entertainment.

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