Masturbation is good for your health

Masturbation is good for your health
Researchers from the University of Sydney, they said to forget the myths about that masturbation causes loss of vision or sense, you should know that it is actually good for your health. In fact, it can protect you from diseases such as cystitis, diabetes and prostate cancer
More than 94 percent of men and 85 percent of women admitted to regularly masturbate. And how claims scientist Anthony Santella, it is something that are doing and the baby in the womb.

"Masturbation can help women to prevent cervical infections and urinary tract infections, because there is so called. opening of the cervix during the process of excitement. Humidity generated during masturbation stretches the cervix. This allows fluid circulation and flushing harmful bacteria that are located inside,"
wrote scientists in the study, which was published on the site the Conversation.

But that's not all. Masturbation reduces the risk of diabetes 2, reduces insomnia through the release of hormones and increases the strength of the pelvic floor through the contractions that occur during orgasm.

Studies have shown that men who have regular sex have reduced their risk of getting prostate cancer, and the same holds true for masturbation. The reason is probably that what is during orgasm releases toxins from the prostate.

Scientists have pointed out the fact that masturbation is the best way to achieve orgasm, and that people who experience regular orgasms have reduced stress, pressure, increased self-confidence and less pain.

Finally, they underlined that the you enjoy masturbation because there is no way to disappoint in the partner or afraid of unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.

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