We do not live to eat, but eat to live

We do not live to eat, but eat to live

The old wisdom is desperately needed to help overcome the many misconceptions which we living. Full table is a great risk for those who can not control, because they lead to fatness. Fatness today, without doubt, a general health problem in most industrialized countries

In people with overweight increased the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, arthritis, diabetes and other diseases such as cancer.

Why is increasing weight of modern man? Certainly there are a number of reasons,

One of them is increased food intake food. Second basic problem of obesity is the insufficient physical activity.

For example, energy consumption should be so regulated that suits among other walks of three miles. Because all people are equal, we should respect individual differences in heritage, constitution, metabolism, digestion, habits, appetite, physical activity.

People with overweight often winced advice for painless diet that would quickly reduce miles. People years, even decades to gain weight, and wanted to make the cut for two to three month. For people who want to lose weight it is advisable to first establish what, and how much they eating. Necessary was then consult a physician, a child jointly agree regime, the extent and intensity of exercise, and be under competent control during changes in lifestyle.

In the process of weight reduction or weight loss, a good recipe is the only proper food. There is myriad of different diets, which included suddenly in fashion and just as suddenly disappear. Although promising losing weight fast, they really bring to health is always more harm than good.

Any diet that does not contain a certain amount of necessary vitamins, minerals, cellulose binding elements, essential amino acids, if not diverse in its composition, can be dangerous for the body and mental health. Test in Minnesota (USA), without a doubt show that symptoms such as nervousness, depression, dizziness, poor memory and even aggression occur in completely healthy people if they undergo a long time from severe diet. Way to be ugly to diet and often misused term. During the thought of something like that so often annoys and discourages men. Often, the only variety in their diet, while reducing the amounts of certain foods, then to reduce salt, sugar and fat, and increased physical activity leads to the desired purposes.

We note the importance of leadership through lifestyle changes by either the expert who has proved on many study. Some advice for a healthy and balanced diet:
1. Start your day with a portion of fresh seasonal fruit.
2. Concentrated protein (meat, poultry, fish) do not consume the same meal with concentrated carbohydrates (pasta, rice, potatoes) and eat the same portion of lettuce.
3. Eat last meal 3-4 hours before bedtime.
4. Drink a large quantity of water per day (2-3 liters).
5. Eat preferably fresh seasonal food from our region.
6. Eat fish at least twice a week because it is easy to digest and rich source of unsaturated fatty acids, essential fats and vitamins and minerals.
7. In cooking should be used so. cold-pressed oils such as olive, sunflower seed oil, soybean oil.
8. Drink of skim milk (cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir ...)
9. Consume the suggested daily supplemental doses of vitamin C, E, B complex vitamins and minerals and oligo-elements.

Which vitamins and why?

Vitamins A, C and E are antioxidants that destroy so. To are particularly aggressive molecules that occur in larger quantities due to stress, smoking, and because ageing. Complex ACE protects the body cells from damage and supports the immune system. In contrast B-vitamins are important catalysts for the exchange tvari.B-1 is a vitamin "for nerves." Ensures high concentration ability, mental condition, and it is important to share ugljikohidrata.B-2 is a vitamin that "can do everything". Participate in exchange of carbohydrates and proteins, and in all functions supported by vitamin AB-6 to maintain muscle mass, promotes the exchange of proteins and amino acids .. B-12 provides continuous renewal blood. Vitamin-C is protective vitamin. Hold in the form of skin, teeth and bones, increases, detoxifying the body. Vitamin D is for "strong bones." Inevitable for the exchange of calcium and phosphorus, and thus to create bones. Vitamin E is to the vitality and beautiful skin. Regeneration cells and vascular system as well as protecting the maturation sperm. Folic acids important for the formation of new blood and cell. Vitamin K participates in the process of blood clotting.

I would emphasize the importance of vitamins in a particular living person age. At third age is necessary to supplement the daily diet vitamins to provide optimum body functioning. To applies to all foods that are not highly worth. Who is under heavy stress (physical activity, stress, athletes , pregnant) or not sure you take enough vitamins through food, should take vitamin preparation. Still one of the causes of the need for substitution of vitamins and modern way of growing food plants. Particularly , it has been proven that these foods contain small amounts of vitamins from foods grown so "organic way".

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