9 Training Exercises with Bands

9 Training Exercises with Bands

Try These Great Exercises With Iron Woody Bands!

There are many options when training with Iron Woody™ Fitness bands, and entire workouts can be done using only resistance bands. Resistance bands are great for building strength and can also be used for injury prevention. Iron Woody™ bands are the best for training hard because they are made thicker, built stronger, and last longer than other resistance bands.

You never have to worry about one of our bands snapping because they are made from 100% latex sheets bonded together and cut to size, unlike some other bands that are molded together which is a cheaper and lower quality manufacturing method. Be confident to train hard with Iron Woody™ bands, they will never let you down.

Here are some recommended training exercises and workouts to try with Iron Woody Fitness bands. Train hard, and train safe!


Step 1)   These are performed just like a standard lunge, so get in lunge position with your feet 2-3 feet apart
Step 2)   Place the band under your front foot and hold one end with each hand
Step 3)   Make sure your back is straight and is in a neutral position, not bending forward, and not arching back
Step 4)   Bend your legs so your front leg until your knee forms a right angle and your thigh is parallel to the floor
Step 5)   Your body should remain in the same position with your back straight and shoulders back
Step 6)   Return to start position and repeat on other leg

Push Ups

Step 1)   Wrap the resistance band around your back and loop the ends through your thumbs in push up position
Step 2)   Change the position of the band behind your back higher or lower to vary the tension and angle of resistance
Step 3)   Perform push ups as you normally would keeping your body straight and trunk activated
Step 4)   Be sure to do this exercise with a full range of motion, if you have to cheat, don’t use a resistance band yet 

Pull Ups

Step 1)   Slip knot the resistance band over your pull up bar and synch it up to the top
Step 2)   Place the band around your knee or foot
Step 3)   Perform pull ups as you usually would, using the band for assistance where needed
Step 4)   You can raise or lower your foot or leg during the exercise to manage resistance
Step 5)   Vary your hand position (wide or narrow) to get a better back work out

Bent Over Rows

Step 1)   Start by stepping on the band with one foot and take a small step back with the other foot
Step 2)   Bend forward at a 45 degree angle and hold the band with both hands straight down
Step 3)   Pull the band up straight towards your chest and keep your elbows in tight
Step 4)   Remember to pull your shoulder blades together to get a full range of motion and maintain proper form


Step 1)   Start with your feet in squat position stepping on the band with both feet
Step 2)   Hold the band with both hands together at your chest at about shoulder height or below your chin
Step 3)   Do a full squat while keeping your hands in the same position
Step 4)   Return to start position and repeat

Alternate Chest Press

Step 1)   For this exercise, lay down on your back with the band under your body and hold the ends in each hand
Step 2)   Press one arm up and bring it back down
Step 3)   Press the other arm up and bring it down, and repeat
Step 4)   This can be done on the floor, or using a bench
Step 5)   You can also extend both arms at once for a higher tension exercise

Bicep Curls

Step 1)   Stand with your feet should width apart as you would for a standing bicep curl
Step 2)   Step on the band with both feet and hold the ends in your hands
Step 3)   Keep your shoulders close to your body and curl your arms so your hands come up to your chest
Step 4)   Return to start position slowly and remain in control
Step 5)   You can use a different of hand positions for variations – palms up, down, or hammer position
Step 6)   Remember to maintain proper form with your back straight and arms close to your body 

Tricep Extension

Step 1)   Start out holding one end of the band in one hand kept straight down slightly behind your back
Step 2)   With your other hand, grab the other end of the band and press your arm up over your head
Step 3)   Be sure to extend your arm all the way so it is fully extended
Step 4)   Bend your arm back down to starting position and repeat
Step 5)   Switch hands and work your other tricep 

Lateral Rows

Step 1)   Start by standing with your feet about hip width apart with knees bent slightly
Step 2)   Step on the band with both feet and hold the ends in your hands with your palms facing your body at your sides
Step 3)   Raise both hands to your shoulders with arms extended with your elbows bent slightly
Step 4)   Return your hands to starting position slowly and with control and repeat

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