How to Track Your Weight Loss Progress

How to Track Your Weight Loss Progress
Yep, in one week I’m already slimming down, shaping up, and, most importantly, feeling like I’m finally working with (not against!) my body. I can complete an SLT training session without fear of my muscles revolting and limping away

On the O2 Diet Cleanse, my skin is clearing up. My nails are stronger. My migraines are waning. I’m sleeping like a baby (you know, after that up-all-night phase babies go through).

All in all, it’s pretty darn motivating. If I’ve made this much progress in one week, just imagine what I can do in two more weeks! The trick to keeping the positive vibes going? Keeping tabs of your progress.

Here, the dos and don’ts of tracking your progress:

DO NOT only weigh yourself. Sure, it’s easy, but weighing yourself is not the most dependable measurement. Since your body is about 60% water, fluctuations in your hydration levels can mean fluctuations in your weight. So in addition to stepping on the scale, I like measuring my body fat percentage. I use the Omron HBF-306C Body Fat Analyzer, but if you belong to a gym, you can ask a trainer to measure it with calipers (aka fat pinchers). You can also use a measuring tape to track your waist, hips, and thigh measurements. And in the end, if your jeans are feeling looser, you are definitely going to be psyched.

DO be consistent with measurements. That means weighing yourself when you wake up, measuring your waist in exactly the same spot, and tracking your progress on a regular basis. Otherwise, it’s likely your numbers will be off and you’ll be frustrated.

DO NOT measure yourself every day. Why? Because you’ll go crazy if you do. And you aren’t going to lose weight in one day. Stick with a once-a-week routine. That gives you frequent-enough feedback and encouragement while still allowing your body time to actually change between measurements.

DO write things down. Post your progress on the refrigerator. It’ll be a constant reminder of everything you’ve accomplished. Plus, sometimes you just need a barrier between you and the chocolate ice cream.

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