Weightlifting even improve your memory

Weightlifting even improve your memory

New research in the Georgia Institute of Technology has shown that lifting weights can help improve the memory

The study comprised 46 adults in their twenties, and their task was to look at the screen, a series of 90 photos. Although the researchers did not look for them to try to remember as many of these photos, actually wanted to test their memory.

Afterwards, all the participants of the study were assigned to sit at the exercise machine for legs. Half of them had done a series of 50 repetitions, for what they took about 20 minutes. Others are just sitting at the bench, while coaches trained for them. In the meantime, experts have tracked their heart rate, blood pressure and salivation.

Two days after that, all the participants of the study once again returned to the lab and see a series of 180 photographs - 90 original and 90 new ones.

The result of the study was as follows: Those who did not lift weights remembered half of the images in the display, while the other group, who worked exercise remembered ten percent more.

This is not the first study that has shown a link between exercise and better brain function. One study performed in Brazil showed that six months of regular training improves brain function, and when it comes to short-term and long-term memory. Another recent study also showed that adults who are physically fit score better tests of memory.

But what's really the point? The researchers speculate that people tend to better remember some information if you have previously been exposed to a certain type of acute stress, such as weightlifting. A similar effect was noticed when it comes to squats, crunches or any exercise of strenght.

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